April 18, 2009

How to make GOD laugh?

How to make GOD laugh? This is a question that no one has an answer. Perhaps there would be or would have been a situation in everyone’s life which might look trivial but it has serious repercussions on the way you think and act. I repeat the same question just to reinforce the effect of the answer that follows after the question.

How to make GOD laugh?

Tell HIM your plans about your life.

After reading the answer I am sure that you will have a sweet smile on your face. “Man proposes GOD disposes”, a common proverb used by mankind when they believe that things are out of order. Our interpretation of “Going out of order” is that an event has happened in a way that you have not expected it to happen. Another question that comes in this juncture is “Why it should happen in the way that we expect it to happen?”

Bhagavad-Gita establishes the fact that whatever happens to us, happens for our good. If GOD destines the action to be good then why it is different from what we expect, after all we expect only good things to happen to us. The universal truth of KARMA holds extremely valid here. There have been greats in the field of philosophy who have mastered the art of karma and they are believed to be free from the cycle of life. Destiny defines mankind. The same destiny creates extremities like Swami Vivekananda and Adolf Hitler. A popular saying indicates that

“Whatever you do, if you are not destined to get, you will not get in spite of my grace,
Whatever you do, you will get what you are destined to get in spite of me stopping it.”

So as KARMA indicates every being in this Mother earth is tied by the effect of “Samskaras” which is nothing but the IMPRESSIONS created on them. These impressions are due to the needs, wants and wishes enjoyed and yearned by every being.

So what’s the solution that GOD gives us for this confusion?. At a point in Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna says to Lord Krishna that is getting confused with too much of details that the Lord has been telling him in the battle field. Lord Krishna replies to him


Yathanam indicates that the plot or the plan for the action. Prayathanam indicates the efforts that are taken for the plan to succeed. Lord indicates that the first two are in the hands of the human being or the creator whereas the final or the third one is in the hands of the creator’s Creator. A flower which blossoms in the morning does not know that it is spreading fragrance to the world nor it knows that its life is only upto that evening. That is indicated as the perfect example by the Lord for the above mentioned lines. When our efforts go in vain we repent or feel bad but we forget to realize the reason for the failure.

We all try to reach godliness in every step without our conscience. The best possible path seems to be always difficult but that can be the only path with the truth.

God save us all.